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Our Economic Impact
The U.S. forest products industry is one of the largest manufacturing industries in America. Mills are located in many rural communities across the country and are often an important source of family-wage jobs in these communities.
The U.S. forest products industry:

people approximately employed

products manufactured annually

Top 10
Is among the top 10 manufacturing sector employers in 43 states.

2021 AF&PA Access to Recycling Study
We commissioned the 2021 Access to Recycling Study. The study is a comprehensive national report that tracks and measures the growth of access to community paper and paperboard recycling in the U.S. The study shows 94% of Americans have access to community paper recycling programs.

Design Guidance for Recyclability of Paper-based Packaging
We developed the Design Guidance for Recyclability of Paper-based Packaging. This tool helps packaging manufacturers, designers and brands create and manufacture packaging that meets their recyclability goals.

Dynamic Fiber Flows Model
AF&PA and MIT researchers developed the Dynamic Fiber Flows Model. Each study represents a question or scenario related to a potential change of paper recovery or recovered fiber utilization.
Resource Library
We have infographics, videos and other resources to help you share the industry's story.
Featured Reports
Printing-Writing Annual Coated Papers
Comprehensive annual report on shipments and purchases of U.S. coated printing-writing papers.
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