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Recycling of Old Newspapers and Mechanical Papers Graph

While there's less newsprint in the marketplace, it's still a very valuable fiber. There is a greater percentage of newsprint in the marketplace being recycled. 

Where Recycled Paper Goes Graph

In 2022, nearly half of recycled paper went into making containerboard - the material used to make cardboard boxes.

Cardboard Recycling Graph

In 2022, 93.6% of cardboard boxes were recycled. Keep up the good work by breaking boxes down flat, keeping them dry and clean, and then put them in the bin. 

Paper Recycling Graph

In 2022, we recovered more than 50 million tons of paper for recycling and the paper recycling rate was nearly 68%.  

EPA Packaging Recycling

Most recent data from the EPA  indicates that paper and paperboard packaging accounts for 3/4 of all packaging materials recovered for recycling in the U.S.