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Industry Priorities


Better Practices, Better Planet 2030 Circular Economy

August 3, 2021

Our supply chain is inherently circular, from the replanting of trees that supply fiber and enhance the environment to recycling paper and packaging that is recovered and turned into new products.


Better Practices, Better Planet 2030 Goals

August 3, 2021

We are a manufacturing sector sustainability leader. Our ambitious new set of goals, Better Practices, Better Planet 2030: Sustainable Products for a Sustainable Future, will further advance the role our industry plays and build on our achievements.


Better Practices, Better Planet 2030 Goals Print Brochure

August 3, 2021

Our ambitious new set of goals, Better Practices, Better Planet 2030, will further advance the role our industry plays in the circular economy and build on our achievements to improve our planet, our people and our communities.


AF&PA Economic Impact Methodology

August 3, 2021

The AF&PA Congressional District Impact model measures the employment, wages, and value of shipments for each of the 435 congressional districts and for the District of Columbia’s delegate district.


AF&PA Statement of Principles for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

August 3, 2021

AF&PA is committed to positively impacting diversity, equity, and inclusion while also advancing the essential role the industry has in the local, regional and national economies. Read our DE&I Statement of Principles.


AF&PA on Pizza Box Recycling

August 3, 2021

AF&PA has issued two statements about pizza box recycling. Pizza boxes are recycled at paper mills around the country every day. Grease and cheese are not an issue. We encourage local communities to update their guidelines.


AF&PA Sustainability Awards Past Winners

August 3, 2021

AF&PA's Better Practices, Better Planet 2020 Sustainability Awards recognize exemplary sustainability programs and initiatives in the paper and wood products manufacturing industry and are awarded based on the merit of entries received across multiple categories. See our past winners. 


AF&PA Design Guidance for Recyclability

August 3, 2021

This guide provides data for packaging designers and consumer brands to better understand how non-fiber elements, such as coatings and additives, impact the recyclability of paper-based packaging.


AF&PA 2020 Sustainability Report

August 3, 2021

AF&PA members have met or exceeded many of the sustainability goals we set in 2011. See our progress in the latest Better Practices, Better Planet 2020 Sustainability Report.


The Value of Tissue Products

August 3, 2021

Tissue products provide convenience and improved hygiene, reducing the spread of disease. Made with wood from responsibly-managed forests or recycled paper, our members’ tissue products are sustainable.


Paper Towels Are the Go To Solution

August 3, 2021

Paper towels are your go-to solution for keeping clean wherever life takes you. Whether removing a stain from your clothing, touching public surfaces or wiping your face. 


Paper Towels Help Avoid the Spread of Bacteria

August 3, 2021

Reusable rags and sponges could be redistributing germs across your home. Cleaning with disposable paper towels helps you avoid cross-contamination.